Thursday, February 19, 2009

Valentines Day pt. 2

So after getting home and barely starting this entry, I caught several friends of my in the neighborhood and decided to hang out with them; the night goes on. Catching up with them, I call them over to my place, and if you've been to my place you know how "intimately small" it is. With the six of us, inebriated in a bombshelter of alcohol and wine, an artistic photoshoot exploded:

(Following pictures taken by June and Noel)

After leaving my pad, the team and I headed to Hamberburger Mary's to hand out safe sex packets at a gay club event, with a theme particularly targeting Asian men. We're apart of an HIV/AIDs and safe sex awareness organization called Project Choice, and advocating safe sex and passing out rubbers is only a sample of what we do (besides presentations, educational skits and activities with the audience). But go there on any other day when they're a restaurant because I have to admit, despite the kinky and informal service of Hamburger Mary's, they have the best Mac n' Cheese burgers I've ever ate. After learning of a cover charge for the event, John and I abandoned the team and took our broke asses to Roscoe's and spent our $7 bucks on secculent chicken n' waffles (if you were nearly broke and you had to choose between food or a club event? which one would you choose?). At this point, the wine was kicking in.

We met up with the rest of the famished gang and headed out to shorehouse cafe for more grub. The pictures says all.

Good times.

Time: 3:56AM. Time to sleep.

Valentines day album 2.14.09


  1. Ahh I saw these pictures already! I went on your picasa before this post came out! That's cuz i'm your biggest fan nPrevail!!!!

  2. Very nice lol...

    One hell of a meeting.

  3. 3:56am, you psycho!That's the time I sleep!

    And look, i'm falling asleep in the last photo. hehe.
